Calories Burned Lifting Weights

Does lifting weights burn more calories and more fat than cardio activity?

Weight-training and cardio exercise, are both terrific options if you are looking to burn calories and shed weight. You might wonder as to which one may get you faster and better results.

According to the 2011 compendium of physical activities, a 150-pound person lifting weights at vigorous effort burns 214 calories in 30 minutes, and 178 calories while resistance (weight) training at slow or explosive effort.

However, the same person running at a speed of 6 mph can burn up to 347 calories in 30 minutes, 314 calories in 30 minutes of stair climbing at fast pace.

Within the ambit of your 30-minute session, cardiovascular exercise will give a higher calorie-burn than strength training does.

In addition, consider your initial weight when planning for the specific calorie-burn you aim to achieve.

Calories burned Lifting weights VS.aerobic exercise and calisthenics

by a 180-pound person

 METper minute30 minutes
Weight Lifting,vigorous effort68.6 kcal257 kcal
Running,6mph9.814.0 kcal420 kcal
cycling, 12-13.9 mph, leisure811.4 kcal343 kcal
swimming laps, freestyle,
fast, vigorous effort
9.814.0 kcal420 kcal
canoeing, rowing,
4.0-5.9 mph
5.88.3 kcal249 kcal
walking, 4.0 mph,very brisk57.2 kcal215 kcal
elliptical trainer57.2 kcal215 kcal
bicycling, stationary, general710.0 kcal300 kcal
stepping machine, fast pace8.812.6 kcal378 kcal
rowing machine, 100 watts,moderate effort710.0 kcal300 kcal
ski machine, genera6.89.7 kcal292 kcal
calisthenics (push ups, sit ups, pull-ups,
jumping jacks),vigorous effort
8.011.4 kcal343 kcal

Interestingly, the number of calories burned after weight training is higher compared to cardiovascular exercise. Cardiovascular exercise boosts your metabolic rate for only about 30 to 60 minutes. Post weight training, however, your metabolism boost lasts up to an unbelievable 48 hours! [1]

Additionally, take into account the muscle training and sculpting that weight lifting absolutely guarantees. On taking a look at the bigger picture, therefore, weight lifting does prove to be a better fitness exercise than cardiovascular exercise for you.

Cardio, resistance exercise, and a combination of both, Which one is the best for weight loss?

In order to understand more clearly the different effects on calories burned and weight loss between aerobic exercise, resistance exercise, and a combination of them, the researchers recruited 29 volunteers for this study.[2]

The trial involved 3 circuit weight training program
free weight exercises.

resistance machine exercises

a combination of free weight exercises intercalating aerobic exercise including running.

The findings of this study indicated that

Reducing the exercise intensity during lifting weights but increasing the number of repetitions can burn more calories.

Compare to other workouts in this study, the exercise strategy with a Combined Aerobic (such as running), and Weight Training will make oxygen uptake over 50% of the maximum oxygen uptake, burn the most calories, and have the lowest perception of effort.

This is good news for those fitness enthusiasts who do not like traditional strength training or continuous aerobic training.

There is no doubt that this finding can be helpful for overweight and obese who want to burn more calories during lifting weights exercise to lose weight.

How many calories can I burn lifting weights for 30 minutes and 1 hour?

A person weighing 160 pounds can burn 228 calories in 30 minutes of weight lifting at the vigorous effort, and 381 calories in a 60-minute low-to-moderate intensity weight training session.
It’s easy to calculate the calories burned lifting weights by the calculator below.


Exercise programs you choose:

    Calories Burned During Lifting weights: 0 Kcal

    Some lightweight training exercises include the very popular bicep curl, chest press, lateral raise, and very importantly, squats! These are good, to begin with, if you are relatively unfamiliar with strength training, it is advisable to start with a routine which includes these exercises. While squats and bicep curls involve using relatively light dumbbells as resistance, you can chest press on a weight bench with a rack, using a barbell.

    The most an individual can lift is known as their one-repetition maximum (1 RM or 1 ‘rep max’). Now, this can occasionally be a part of your CrossFit training and is popular with competitive powerlifters who are looking to train their nervous system to lift even heavier weights.

    If you are a regular heavy weight lifter aiming at greater strength and fitness, a set of 8-12 repetitions with the heaviest weight you can lift at that number, is considered sufficiently heavy.
    In addition, The load on lumbar spine can be decreased up to 10% by using the weightlifting belt. [3]

    Ideally, aim for a combination of heavy and lightweight training for optimum benefits. Mixing up weight resistances can be great for your body. It reduces the risk of injuries, prevents plateaus. It will also ensure variety and keep your routine exciting and dynamic.

    Nutritional supplement and lifting weights

    Consume 50-100 grams of carbohydrates, post-workout, depending upon your current weight and future muscle mass gain goals.

    It is absolutely crucial to add roughly 10-20 grams of protein intake to this. For best results, do try to stick to the 30-minute window for refuelling.

    A high carbohydrate diet can’t improve power output and performance in weight training.

    Taking creatine supplementation in a resistance training (such as weight lifting) program, you can get much greater strength gains in the form of an increased 1RM.[4]

    NO3− supplementation can improve muscular power production, velocity of contraction, and the number of repetitions to failure during weightlifting exercise. [5]

    Can I effectively lose weight using 5 lb weights?

    Yes! You can lose considerable weight incorporating dumbbells weighing just 5 lbs in your strength training routine. According to a study conducted by the American National Institute of Health[6], 11 slightly overweight women were put in a strength training routine using just 5lb dumbbells and resistance bands. This was combined with a well-crafted diet to find the optimum benefits. Over 12 weeks, they reported body weight and body fat decreased significantly, and Grip and back strength increased. Lighter weights like 5 lb dumbbells are just the perfect equipment, to begin with, if you are a beginner.

    Benefits of lifting weights

    Resistance exercise training significantly reduced depressive symptoms among adults regardless of health status, total prescribed volume of Resistance Training, or significant improvements in strength. [7]

    Resistance training can improve type 2 diabetes. [8]

    Strength Training,including lifting weights, Improves Metabolic Health Markers in Older Individual Regardless of Training Frequency.[9]