Lunges calories burned

How many calories are burned per minute while doing lunges?

On average, doing a normal stationary lunge will burn roughly 6 calories per minute. This, of course, depends on your initial weight and the intensity of your workout. If you are initially at a higher weight, you will burn more calories than a person at a lower weight.

The MET value of lunges is 3.8, making it a moderate-intensity workout. Therefore, a person weighing 175 pounds, doing lunges for 30 minutes can calculate the number of calories burned using this simple formula:

(175/2.2) × 3.8 × 3.5 ÷ 200 = 5.3 calories per minute.
30 minutes of doing lunges will burn 5.3 × 30 = 159 calories.

Therefore, a person weighing 175 pounds, will lose 159 kilocalories by doing lunges for 30 minutes.
Alternatively, the same person will burn approximately 317 calories per hour by doing lunges!

Calories Burned Lunges Calculator


    Calories Burned Lunges : 0 Kcal

    How many calories can I burn per lunge, doing 10 lunges, and doing 100 lunges?

    The average time for one lunge being 3 seconds, and considering that 20 lunges can be done per minute, you will burn approximately 0.3 calories with each lunge. And 6 calories are burned per minute while doing lunges. Therefore, 10 repetitions of lunges will burn 3 calories for the average person. 100 repetitions of lunges will burn roughly 30 calories. These values, of course, depend heavily upon your weight, the intensity, and speed of the lunges taken, along with the presence or absence of added weighted resistance.

    How many can I burn to do side lunges vs. jumping lunges vs. curtsy lunges vs. walking lunges?

    A person weighing 150 pounds will lose approximately 72 calories doing stationary side lunges for a duration of 15 minutes.
    A person weighing 150 pounds will lose about 102 calories doing jumping lunges, for a duration of 15 minutes.
    The same person will lose roughly 98 calories doing walking lunges without weights, for 15 minutes.
    Finally, a person weighing 150 pounds, will burn a whopping 141 calories in just 15 minutes, doing the curtsy lunge.

    How many calories can I burn doing lunges vs. squats vs, push-ups and pull-ups vs. abdominal crunches?

    We have already discussed the number of calories that can be burned doing different kinds of lunges for different durations. To compare it with other exercises, an average of a 120-pound person burns roughly 45 calories doing moderate-intensity abdominal crunches for 10 minutes. For a person weighing 155 pounds, 10 minutes of moderate-intensity crunches can burn up 55 calories, while for a person weighing 185 pounds, this can reach up to 66 calories. For each of these persons respectively, 10 minutes of vigorous abdominal crunches can burn up to 80, 99 and 118 calories! The MET value of crunches may vary. This dictates the intensity of a certain exercise – if its MET value is 4, the exercise requires you to exert yourself by four times compared to when you are at rest. The MET value of crunches depends upon its intensity, and maybe 2.8 at the light effort, 3.8 at the moderate effort and even 8 at vigorous effort! On average, a person performing 30 crunches in 60 seconds, burns appropriately 5 calories per minute.

    Squats are a basic, largely functional exercise, that does not require any special equipment. Easy to master, these can be astonishingly great calorie burners. The MET value of squatting at a light to moderate-intensity level, is 3.5. At this level, you should be able to carry on a conversation. If you are out of breath doing squats, you are at a vigorous-intensity level. At this point, the MET value of your squats may be as high as 8!
    To calculate the number of calories burned in doing squats, we can use a simple formula. Firstly, to convert pounds to kilograms, we will need to divide the weight value by 2.2.

    165 lbs/2.2 = 75 kgs

    Considering that this person is doing squats for 10 minutes, at a vigorous-intensity level with a MET value of 8, we will now be using this formula:

    0.0175*8*75*10 = 105 calories

    Therefore, a person weighing 165 pounds, doing squats at a vigorous-intensity level, for ten minutes, will burn up to 105 calories.
    For a per 3 weighing 140 pounds, low-intensity squats at a MET value of 3.5, will burn 19 calories in five minutes, 58 calories in fifteen minutes and 97 calories in twenty-five minutes. For the same person, high-intensity squats at a MET value of 8, will burn 44 calories in five minutes, 133 calories in fifteen minutes and 222 calories in twenty-five minutes.

    Push-ups and pull-ups are strength-building exercises, using primarily your body weight as resistance. The amount of calories burnt doing these exercises, therefore, depends heavily on your initial body-weight. The more muscle mass you have, the higher amount of calories you can burn by doing pull-ups and push-ups. They are especially well-known for giving you fantastic arm strength and strong core muscles.
    For a person weighing 170 pounds, it is possible to do roughly 10 pull-ups in one minute. This will burn at least 11 calories. Therefore, each pull-up will burn roughly 1.1 calories, for this person weighing 170 pounds.
    On the other hand, push-ups burn at least 7 calories in one minute, on average. Considering you can do 20 push-ups in 60 seconds, you will burn roughly 7-9.5 calories in one minute.
    The MET value of push-ups, at a high-intensity level, is 8. Therefore, for a person weighing 175 pounds, the number of calories burned doing push-ups for 30 minutes, can be calculated in the following way :

    (175/2.2)*8*0.0175*30 = 340

    Therefore, a person weighing 175 pounds will burn roughly 334-340 calories, doing push-ups for 30 minutes. The same person will burn approximately 70-111 calories doing push-ups for 10 minutes, and 223 calories for 20 minutes.